BGL Group's Partnership with Apogee Leads to a 30% Reduction in Print Costs
Apogee remotely installs, configures, monitors, maintains, troubleshoots, and supports the BGL Group's printing and imaging environment.

“I can tell the managing board at any time whether the devices are being used to capacity, and can provide them with a target or actual comparison. We can also precisely calculate the costs of the devices. This gives us the greatest possible transparency. The Material Procurement department, which always used to order the toner and coordinate stock, is also very pleased that this is no longer necessary.”
– BGL Group Representative
The Background
The cost of printing documents was identified as a major company expense. The legacy unmanaged print environment comprised of a mixed fleet of printers and copiers, stock piling of consumables, unpredictable and variable costs for toner usage and service expenditure together with hidden costs associated with staff having to raise consumable orders and manage support calls.
More efficient use of document handling and printing capabilities were sought to not only save money but also enable BGL Group to enhance their green credentials.

The Solution
Our first strategic change to the existing printing fleet was to standardise onto just 2 device types across the country. All desktop printers were phased out in favour of shared multifunction printers with more advanced features and much lower running costs.
In addition, Apogee introduced ‘follow me printing’ software which provided a roaming print solution where users print to a single queue and jobs will be “pulled” to any printer where users authenticate using a smart card. This secure printing module ensures print jobs will not sit uncollected on the printer, instead; jobs only print when released by the user.
The Outcome
The print policy shift saw the removal of over 200 printers across the Group, this new strategy of rationalisation and standardisation lead to a 30% reduction in document production costs and a sizable shrinkage of the Groups carbon footprint.
The ‘follow me printing’ software monitors, allocates and controls printing resources by tracking detailed printer usage information by printer, user, project, department or cost centre. This helped The BGL Group to identify savings opportunities, reduce operating costs and help gain a higher degree of control of their overall print environment.
This single solution allowed Apogee to remotely install, configure, monitor, maintain, troubleshoot, and support the BGL Groups printing and imaging environment. This has ultimately increased business productivity by helping the Group to save time, control costs, and protect its investment.
- Up to 30% reduced print costs
- True measurable and controllable cost base
- Standardisation of devices resulted in familiarisation across all UK sites
- Consumables ordering online 24/7 and delivered to door
- Reduced print and paper wastage
- The introduction of “follow me printing”
- Better control and visibility of volumes
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