Wie Sie mit Ihren Marketingmaterialien einen echten Eindruck hinterlassen
17 Januar 2023
63% der Unternehmen befürchten, dass ihre IT die hybride Belegschaft nicht unterstützen kann
22 Februar 2023
Beziehen Sie Ihre hybride Belegschaft in Ihre nächste IT-Einführung ein
Vollständige IT-Einführungen können im besten Fall schwierig sein - aber ein Service für Lieferung, Installation und Implementierung ist von unschätzbarem Wert für eine hybride Belegschaft.
Ensuring IT is kept up-to-date is a must for any business – and whether your next upgrade is due in one year or five, having an installation strategy in place for your next IT upgrade is imperative, especially if you have remote workers to consider.
Of course, the main reason for this is the sheer amount of logistical challenges involved. For instance:
- How many devices are required?
- When do you require them? Is it possible to transport them all in one vehicle, or will it require more vehicles / a multi-stage delivery? Which option is more cost-effective?
- Once they arrive, how long will installation take? How many of your IT team should you have working on it?
- How do you ensure strategic IT tasks stay on track while this is being carried out?
And that’s just assuming your business has only one site. If you have multiple, how many times will this process have to be repeated before the upgrade is completed companywide?
And how do you include your remote workers?
The good news is, these logistical challenges can all be overcome very easily without requiring any involvement from your IT teams. Simply specify what you need and when you need it, and let us handle the rest of the legwork through our Delivery, Installation, & Implementation service.

Multi-phase Installation, at Your Own Pace
For many companies, it is simply not practical to fully upgrade their IT in a single instalment – especially with remote workers to cater to. Multi-phase installations, on the other hand, allow companies to upgrade IT strategically in order of priority, giving them the freedom to decide a schedule to suit their needs; and prepare accordingly to ensure a smooth transition.
Best of all, your remote workers can be included in this delivery and installation - and you can rest assured that your new devices will be handled with the utmost care, since our presence throughout the UK and Europe removes the need to engage with third-party courier companies.
Service That Goes Beyond Delivery
Unlike a courier service, you aren’t just left to fend for yourself after installation has taken place. Instead, maximum uptime of your new devices is assured, without even requiring attention from your IT department to resolve technical issues – since quick and responsive 24/7 support is already factored into the price of a Managed IT Service (MITS).
That goes for your remote workers, too, since as well as having access to a nationwide network of engineers, remote support can easily be requested and co-ordinated through the Apogee Client Portal.

Full Upgrade, Familiar Devices
With us taking full responsibility of your device installation, your business benefits from a companywide IT upgrade - but without requiring weeks of lengthy setup from your IT department.
This process is further streamlined when devices are setup with the relevant programs prior to delivery – which will allow your staff to ‘plug in and play’ with your brand new devices, fresh out of the box. This can be easily organised by specifying your requirements through a highly convenient Custom Setup & Imaging Service.
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