Hult International Business School Reduces Print Costs by 15%
Hult is now benefitting from improved efficiency as a result of enhancements to document production and distribution across its organisation.

“Our Account Manager has been extremely efficient and helpful and has contributed with ideas to make the project cost efficient, and at the same time providing us with the support and the solutions required for the necessities of our business. It has been a pleasure working with him and I look forward to completing the project successfully.”
– Hult International Business School Representative
The Background
The organisation was using different print providers and systems in the UK and around the world, with no centralised management system. All device interfaces were also different, making it difficult for staff and students to print when moving between locations.

The Solution
Hult wanted a single brand solution and printing platform across all campuses to make it simple and straightforward when students visit different campuses. Apogee were the UK incumbent provider, so Hult turned to them to propose a global solution because they had shown great account management, good consistency of service, flexibility in contracts and had experience of providing everything under one umbrella.
Apogee took the time to understand how staff and students used the print devices. By gaining an understanding of the organisation’s workflow and printing habits, Apogee recommended a range of solutions that would deliver a broad variety of cost and efficiency improvements to ensure the print infrastructure was ahead of technological advancements.
The number of staff and students based at each campus and in the different buildings were taken into consideration when choosing where to strategically locate the devices to avoid long queues. Prior to installation and integration of the new devices, Apogee provided trial machines to ensure the capability was right.
The solution incorporated the latest design in Android screens which are easy to use and work in the same way as mobile devices. This meant both staff and students were able to adapt to the new system quickly and easily.
Hult is now benefitting from improved efficiency as a result of enhancements to document production and distribution across its organisation. The central management of the print system has significantly streamlined cost allocation.
The Outcome
- Reduced burden on IT department
- Increased print speeds and improved print quality
- Standardised platform for all printers
- Print costs reduced by 15%
- Consolidated lease agreement
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