Integrieren Sie Business Print in Ihre Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie
23 März 2023
Die Bedeutung von Coaching-Kultur in der Wirtschaft, nach Meinung von vier Direktoren
28 März 2023
Wie kann ich eine proaktive Reparatur von Bürodruckern in meiner Nähe erhalten?
Die Organisation von Druckerreparaturen vor Ort kann oft zu langen Wartezeiten führen, sowohl für Technikerbesuche als auch für Ersatzteile. Technische Probleme können jedoch überall erkannt, diagnostiziert und behoben werden, ohne dass Sie einen Finger rühren müssen - mit der Fernverwaltungsanwendung (ARMA) von Apogee.
While opting to purchase your business printers does certainly come with its benefits, proactive printer support isn’t generally one of them.
Oftentimes, printer repairs are something that you’ll have to outsource to a third-party repair company – leaving you reliant on potentially long wait times just for an engineer visit, with no guarantee on whether parts can be supplied in a timely fashion afterward.
On the other hand, effective remote support is a very prominent benefit of leasing your business printers through a Managed Print Service; and is taken one step further with the 24/7 monitoring performed by ARMA, Apogee’s Remote Management Application.
With the status of your device under a constant eye, printer repairs can actually be carried out proactively – meaning that faults are usually in the process of being fixed remotely by the time you become aware of their existence.
But what are the additional financial and operational benefits of engaging with ARMA?

Fast, dynamic printer support
By constantly monitoring the status of your devices, printer support becomes a faster, more effective process – since, through ARMA, detecting and diagnosing problems can all be performed remotely from our 24/7 customer support centre.
In-person printer repairs are also made more effective – since parts in need of replacement can be quickly identified, and supplied with next-day delivery. This is all done completely independently of delivery companies; since, as a subsidiary of HP Inc., we have the resources to deliver dynamic printer support – but with the speed and convenience of a local company.
Maximum uptime and output
Your business benefits from greater efficiency and agility by using ARMA; since with dynamic print support comes maximum device uptime and output. This increased functionality enables your employees to print what they need, when they need it – with any surprise obstacles being addressed within four hours, as opposed to the waiting times you could expect from a typical third party service.
Automatic supply replenishment is another central feature of ARMA – which sends ink supplies to your site once your levels dip below a certain level. As well as further ensuring maximum device uptime and output, this also removes the necessity for you to store print supplies onsite, freeing up your storage space.

Streamlined service, streamlined costs
While relying on third-party print repair companies can prove to be quite costly, 24/7 support is already included within the price of a Managed Print Service that includes ARMA. This means that quick fixes can be organised at any time, for no additional cost per callout – giving you more freedom with your budget.
But this isn’t the only way that your expenses are streamlined through ARMA; since the software will accurately bill you only for what you use, rather than relying on projected estimates. By giving you visibility of your average spend over any given time period, the software enables you to predict and manage your operational expenditures with confidence and ease.
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