Shipley College Benefits From Reduced Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) From Print Services
Shipley College has identified savings, reduced operating costs, and provided a higher-level of security and control over their overall print environment.

"Excellent service and great cost effective solutions and equipment. The print control we have with job-ticketing is most beneficial to students and staff."
– Shipley College Representative
The Background
Shipley College needed to source a supplier that could help make financial and security improvements across the fleet [college] within a short-time frame. Printing volumes, costs and waste can spiral out of control if left unchecked and Shipley College were seeking alternative solutions to manage print services to departments and students. They needed a way to track printing, apply quotas to students and become transparent to the finance department.
It was essential any new software solution supported tracking and charging activities for print, copy and scanning facilities across the college and apply differential charge profiles by job type (A4, A3, mono, colour, simplex or duplex) and the print device (printer, multi-functional-devices (MFD) or central reprographics department (CRD)) to the end users.
The software would need to integrate with the existing fleet of nine MFDs and two higher-volume devices located in the CRD one of which is mono and the other colour enabled. Additionally, the college required a further colour enabled MFD in the Mill building to accommodate the growing numbers of users and this would need to run on the same print software and prevent jobs over a certain threshold size from being printed and redirect the job or the user to the CRD.
Ideally, they were looking for software upgrades to all MFDs and for the mono CRD device upgraded to colour enabled with finisher and ability to do produce pamphlet copies and desirably to have the full fleet colour enabled. Additionally, a job ticketing system to facilitate print job submission to the CRD and allow the operators to have control over how and when the jobs are released and be able to charge for offline production finishing features such as folding and binding.

The Solution
With a requirement for print and copy management software to control, monitor and report upon all print and copy activity Apogee met with the management team at Shipley College and undertook a review of the existing solution. The professional service team put forward a tailored solution to meet the college’s needs. Along with recommending 12 new hardware devices across the fleet to support the every growing users Apogees’ Professional Services team put forward a tailored document management solution. This solution would not only monitor print but also allocate and control printing resources by tracking detailed printer usage information by printer, user, project, department or cost centre.
Apogee Professional Services also installed job-ticketing function that fully automated charging and account reconciliation, providing error-free costing and timely reporting for the college.
The Outcome
Apogee seamlessly installed the new devices and software across the college and with a slight increase in the number of devices available, Shipley college was able to provide a full print management offering to all students and staff on campus. Along with this, they could also identify savings opportunities, reduce operating costs, provide a higher level of security and gain control of their overall print environment.
Resulting in the college is no longer charging and quoting across multiple departments reducing the frustration for the billings department. With one-click detailed reporting, college staff can create ad-hoc reports by applying filter conditions, and send reports through email to specified people on a regular schedule. With the upgrade to the CRD device to enable colour and finishing capabilities, coupled with a new job ticketing solution it gives the users and operators the tools to keep things working seamlessly and reduces time operators spend managing tickets.
The college has identified savings, reduced operating costs, and provided a higher-level of security and control over their overall print environment. Shipley College benefits from reduced Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) from print services. With the Crescent Purchasing Consortium (CPC) framework approved contract in place the College has complete transparency and control of printing expenditure, and can understand precisely how much it costs to produce each page of printing, copying and scanning. In addition to the print control software enabling the college to eliminate paper waste, it encourages responsible behaviour amongst users and departments accountable for their print usage.
- 80% saving on mono printing
- 43% saving on colour printing
- Under 4-hour response time
- 95% First Time Fix Rate
- Document management solution provides control and security release printing
- Reduced wastage
- Better control and visibility of volumes
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